জাতীয় বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

বিবিএ অনার্স  দ্বিতীয় বর্ষ পরীক্ষা – ২০২০

চুডান্ত সাজেশন্স-২০২০


Chapter -1

(Fundamentals of Business Writing.)
1.     What is communication?
2.     Define communication model.
3.     what are the seven c”s of communication.
4.     What is business commutation?
5.     How communication can increase the efficiency of management?
6.     Discuss the objectives of business communication.
7.     Why feedback is necessary for communication process?
8.     Why internal commutation is important.
9.     What is communication process? Discourse the elements of it?
10. Differentiate between formal and informal language.
Part- 2
1.     What are the basic components of communication?
2.     Briefly discus the features of communication.
3.     What are the principles of business communication? Explain the objectives of business communication.
4.     What is effective communication? What are the characteristics of effective communication?
5.     Communication is the life blood of organization’ – Explain.
6.     Define paragraph. What are the characteristics of a good paragraph?


(Pattern of business letters)

1.     What is business letter?
2.     How do business letter create good will?
3.     What is memo? Maintain the features of office memo.
4.     What are the characteristics of good memo?
5.     Maintains the types of buffer with examples.
1.     What are the functions / purposes of business letters?
2.     What is dunning letter? Describe the features of good dunning latter.
3.     Explain the process of writing memos.
4.     Define memo. What are the advantages of memo?
5.     What are the difference between letter and memo?
6.     Write a persuasion and purposes of persuasive letters.


(Applications to Specific Letter Situations)

1.     What are an appointment / benefit of business letter?
2.     What is resuming? What the qualities of good resume.
3.     What are characteristics of a final dunning letter?

4.     Mention the importance of a cv.
5.     Draft  a letter of resignation.
1.     Describe the part of a sales letter.
2.     What do you mean by persuasive letter? Explain the foundations or principles of persuasive letters.
3.     Write an application to HR manager for the post of a secretary.
4.     What are curriculum vitae? What is the importance of curriculum vitae?
5.   Suppose you have completed MBA from a recognized university and you are seeking a job prepare a CV/ Resume for you.


(Fundamentals of Report Writing)

1.     Define report.
2.     What do you mean by business report?
3.     Show difference between formal and informal reports.
4.     Di scribe the various features of a market report.
5.     Define formal report.
6.     Briefly discuss the features of a formal report.
7.     Briefly discuss the steps of report writing.
1.     Describe the importance of business report. Draft a weekly market report on the Dhaka stock exchange.
2.     Describe the structure of a good business report.
3.     Describe the essential features of market report.
4.     Draft a jute marketing report using imaginary figures.
5.     Describe the essential quality of good report.
6.     Discuss the types of reports with examples.
7.     Discuss the objectives of business reports.


(Standers and Physical Aspects of Communication)

1.     Define audio/video visual aids.
2.     What is the disadvantage graphical representation?
3.     Describe the three format of lists.
4.     Outline the rules of expressing money amount.
5.     Mention the forms or types of non- projected aids.
6.     Write a note on common sentence error.
1.     Explain different types of audio visual aids that are used in communication.
2.     What do you mean by visual communication? What is its purpose?

3.     What are the advantages and disadvantages of graphical presentation in report?
4.     What are the characteristics of good audio visual aid?
5.     What are the considerable factors in choosing visual aids?


(Other forms of Business Communication)

1.     What is persuasive speech?
2.     What are some media of oral communication?
3.     Differentiate between listening and hearing.
4.     Mention the characteristics of interviews.
5.     SHORT NOTES; (a) what is a conference?
(b) What is listening? (c) What is interview? (d) What is meeting?
1.     What are the characteristics of interview?
2.     What do you know about organization of good public specking?
3.     Mention the objectives of a meeting.
4.     What are the characteristics of a good presentation?
5.     What are the qualities of a good speaker?
6.     Draft a guideline for writing agenda.
7.     What is dictating? State its importance.

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